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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


There are some foods that you just cannot share.  I am all for sharing a bag of sourcream and onion potato chips or trying someone else's icecream sundae, but sharing isn't always caring.  At least, for me.  Ever since I have started living on my own, germs have been my new enemy and I have come to a conclusion that some foods or drinks should not be shared.  If you are one of those people who take germs with a grain of salt and would think I was crazy for hand sanatizing my shower shoes, then perhaps you might want to move on to the next post (or get a good laugh).  However, if you are in between having a slight itch to dust bust and following the footsteps of our favorite germ-a-phobes such as Howie Mandel or character Adrian Monk, then this is for you.  So here are my top three things that should not be shared:  1) Orange Juice.  I don't want pulp residue on the rim of my glass from anyone but myself.  2) A yodel.  There is a reason why there are two in a pack.   Don't ask to have a bite of mine, there is simply not enough to share.  I would share if there was enough, but there just isn't.  3) A butter knife.  There is a reason they call it a "butter knife," it is only for the butter! Nothing else.  Don't try to pass off your personal knife as the communal butter knife.  I don't need your sweet potato in my butter, thank you very much.   

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Never trade a railroad...

There was so much to shovel yesterday that I had no energy to blog, or let alone lift my fingers to press the keys!  Yesterday and today my cousins visited and we played all our favorite boardgames.  I was proud to win Scrabble, but I lost every other game we played, especially Monopoly.  You would think hotels on all the oranges and three houses on each of the greens would be a shoe-in for victory!  I guess I am not cut out for the business world ;) 

Monday, December 27, 2010


Will be writing today's post tomorrow... Exhausted from shoveling

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Burr!!  A blizzard came our way today.  We are expecting 12-18 inches!  Too cold and windy for sledding and snowball fights, but heavy enough for shoveling.  My dog loves the snow... and so does the carpet when she returns inside.  The best part of snowy days is snuggling up under a warm blanket and sipping some hot cocoa.  I think I have always had this fascination with snowy days; hoping to be trapped inside the house for days on end.  And if it keeps snowing like it is now, that might just happen!    

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Night Before Christmas

Last December, I was killing time by driving around my town in search for the houses with the best light displays.  I stumbled upon this magnificent tree that could compete with the Rockefeller Centre tree.  Each year the owners of the tree have a company with a cherry picker come and decorate its branches with hundreds of multicolored lights.  I took this picture tonight; Christmas Eve!  It is the perfect picture for tonight, because just as it is per tradition for this tree to be decorated, my family has our own traditions on Christmas Eve.  And now I must leave to go enjoy my favorite Christmas Eve tradition-- my father is a remarkable storyteller.  Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...   

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Caroling

After a stressful day of Christmas shopping (never go to the mall 2 days before Christmas), snuggling under a warm blanket with some hot cocoa sounded lovely.  However, I decided to go out Christmas caroling instead with a few friends.  I am so glad I went though!  I bundled up in many layers, so I was nice and warm, and after singing we did have some hot cocoa and my prior ideal evening was complete-- with some cookies and good company :)   

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Plain Jane

I went to a sandwich shop and heard the man in front of me place his order.  He said he wanted everything on the table except the pickles and green peppers.  I wonder what he had against pickles and peppers...  Anyway, the worker thought he heard wrong and asked again, but the man said that this was what he wanted.  I don't blame the worker for questioning him, the table was huge!  It had many different types of meats, dressings, and toppings.  This sandwich included almost everything-- meats, dressings, onions, lettuce, jalapenos, bacon, cheeses, cucumbers, tomatoes, and those little black olives that a typical customer will end up picking off their sandwich.  The man left with his sandwich, happily.  When I ordered my sandwich today, I ordered the Plain Jane.  Proud of it!  The sandwich was absolutely delicious and I couldn't have made a better choice.  
So I guess... to each his own? 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Decorating delight

I saved a little something special for my father today.  It is a mere four days before Christmas and our decorating is not yet completed.  Our tree has been up since November and, although it looks full and finished, there is still something missing.  This ornament has been in the family for years and to watch my father hang it on the tree brings me a secret joy.  It is like twisting a tiny bulb on a half lit strand of lights causing the whole strand to turn on, knowing that you were responsible for the new twinkling bright colors.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A drive at 7:18pm

Every once in a while, my father will drive me to some great places.  But the destination doesn't matter so much.  Instead, I like listening to him sing, playing with the radio, or watching the white dashes on the street go by so fast that they look like one giant white line.  I wish that time paused on the road.  That it would just stay at 7:18 pm.  Then we wouldn't have to put the brakes on our trip anytime soon.        

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do we have to take a walk?

It is so cold for walking today!
Why would she want to go out and press her paws against that cold pavement!
I would have much rather stayed inside, but it was nice to say hello to the neighbors, other walkers, and about every single tree on the street. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The beginning

Came home yesterday.
This bridge reminds me of all the unwritten pages of all the forgotten memories.
I won't let that happen again.