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Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

Mother Nature played a cruel joke today, giving us snow for the second time this spring.  Rain boots would have been a good idea, but I wasn't expecting snow so I wore my slippers to class.  Bad idea.  The wintry mix soaked my slippers, socks, and the bottom of my pants.  It was 8:00 in the morning on a Friday, so I didn't care what people thought of me, in the middle of class, I rolled up my sweats and went barefoot.  On the way back to my room, my slippers squishing against the pavement, my friend joked telling me I would probably catch pneumonia.  Since then, I have noticed how overheated I have been feeling, that cough from yesterday seems to be getting worse, and my throbbing headache won't seem to go away.  Now, I'm starting to think I might just be acting like a hypochondriac.  Thank you Mother Nature, if I actually become sick, I blame you.   

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